Access to Justice
Join Our 3-Pronged Strategy to Improve Access to Justice
Technical Assistance
We train lawyers to profitably provide affordable legal services down market.
Pro Bono Services
We provide pro bono legal services in our specialty where we can be most effective.
Legal Giving
We promote great legal charities that fight to protect the public from systemic injustices.
Let’s Create the
“Your Firm Name Access to Justice Scholarship“
I think lawyers, state Bars, courts, and the public can all agree that the public is better served if legal services are provided by attorneys obligated to put clients first. One way to ensure that appropriate legal services are available
down market is to arm the lawyers who are most likely to serve middle-income communities with the tools they need to deliver affordable legal services profitably. Donate your extra
e-Learning seats so we can train lawyers to satisfy unmet legal need.
Media portrayals of lawyers rarely feature us as the justice warriors and protectors that we are. We give our time and our money all year long in support of human and civil rights, consumer protection, fairness, and justice.
In 2019, my Team (of three) at RegulatorGuards performed 250 hours of pro bono work for small business owners unable to afford our fee to fend off government overreach that would shutter their doors, causing layoffs, loss of investment, and loss of services within the low-income communities they serve.
Since then, we have consistently given more than 50 hours annually.
A Few Great Legal Charities
We hope that any business making money in the legal industry, whether or not owned by lawyers, supports one or more legal or social justice charities.
Leads on civil rights such as prison reform, voting & gerrymandering, and prosecutorial discretion.
Seeks educational and economic opportunities such as apprenticeships + investment in startups.
Defends human rights such as immigration, reproductive, LBGTQ, and disability rights.
Local Legal Aid Societies
Provide the poor with access to the courts; prosecute consumer protection cases.